inner power collective
Troy Ismir
Our Mission
Inner Power Collective empowers golfers, athletes, and men to awaken their inner power and embrace their authentic selves.
Through a transformative journey of self-discovery, we guide you to overcome inner barriers, heal from past wounds, and realize your true potential—on the golf course, in sports, and in life.
Our mission is to inspire a life of purpose, confidence, and radical freedom, helping you find the strength within to thrive in every aspect of your journey.

Troy Ismir
His unique approach blends spiritual wisdom, energetic healing, psychological insights, and practical strategies to support holistic transformation in physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Education & Training:
- Master's Degree in Exercise and Sports Science emphasis in sports psychology
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
TPI Certified Golf Fitness Instructor
Holden Certified Qi Gong Instructor
Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
For many years, I was a man living in quiet desperation. I learned early on that vulnerability wasn’t safe, so I hid my emotions behind a façade of perfection. On the outside, everything looked fine, but inside, I was battling chaos.
Henry David Thoreau said it best: “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” That was me. I searched for fulfillment in sports, bodybuilding, women, alcohol—even religion. But none of it filled the void.
The Years of Quiet Desperation
A serious knee injury in college ended my dream of playing professional football in an instant, and with it, my identity as a football player was stripped away.
I spent 18 years in a marriage that ultimately ended in divorce. The pain of that was real, and the path to healing, recovery, and forgiveness has been long.
In my younger years, I tried drowning my pain in alcohol. I experienced countless blackouts in my teens and twenties, and in my thirties, I suffered alcohol poisoning. It was a wake-up call that drinking couldn’t solve my problems. I’m grateful for the second chances I’ve been given.
My career, while financially rewarding, left me feeling unfulfilled. For 17 years, I made a six-figure income, but I was stuck in a life that felt hollow. The feelings of discontent, hopelessness, and dread weighed me down. I felt dead inside.
As an INFJ (Myers-Briggs personality type) and a highly sensitive person (HSP), which is rare, I longed for understanding. But how could anyone understand me when I didn’t understand myself? I spent years trying to be someone I wasn’t.
Suffering in Silence
During those years of quiet desperation, I suffered in silence. I had no one to turn to, no one to talk to. I felt isolated and depressed.
One night, in desperation, I fell to my knees and prayed to a God I didn’t know. The only God I was familiar with was the one I grew up hearing about—a God who judged my goodness or badness. Ironically, my father was a Lutheran pastor, and I had grown up in the church. But the more I sat in church, the more I rebelled.
Eventually, I returned to God, like the prodigal son, and went back to church. Attending a non-denominational church helped somewhat, but there was still no real transformation. I felt more guilt and shame trying to live up to the perfect Christian ideal, never feeling good enough.
Exploring My Own Truth
For years, I questioned the faith I was raised in and sought answers for myself. I asked, "Who is God?" "Who am I?" "What is the meaning of life?" and "Why do so many people who believe in God live in quiet desperation?"
When I allowed myself to break away from traditional paths and explore my own spiritual journey, my life began to transform. I studied Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, non-duality teachings from Rupert Spira, and Christian mystics like Joel Goldsmith and Thomas Merton.
Discovering My True Self
Through this spiritual exploration, I eventually found my way back to the true wisdom teachings of Jesus. The veil began to lift, and I realized that what I had been seeking all these years was already within me. The Kingdom of Heaven is within me, and that realization became my ticket out of quiet desperation and into a life of divine inspiration.
Today, I wake up every day with purpose and a sense of aliveness. My mission is to help other men escape the quiet desperation I once knew all too well.
When I stopped seeking outside myself and started listening to the still, small Voice within, I found deep inner peace. It was a peace that transcended human understanding—a peace that only comes from knowing one’s true Self.
Becoming the Light
I’m grateful for every struggle because without them, I wouldn’t have the wisdom or the ability to help others. I’m not a theologian; I’m just a regular guy on a pathless journey, sharing my experience and intuitive wisdom with courageous vulnerability, so others know they’re not alone.
If I can help just one man escape the pain of quiet desperation and find deep inner peace, it will mean one more man can become a light in the world.
When we finally emerge from our struggles, we can simply awaken to our inner Power and walk the path with courage
​courage and grace.
Now, it’s my time to serve—to be that light for others.
To your inner power,
Troy Ismir
Founder and Creator of Inner Power Collective